Many autistic people find it useful to go to counselling. It can help you with things like coping strategies, relaxation techniques and relationship issues. There is good evidence that Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) can reduce the symptoms of anxiety in autistic people.
Some people may think in a way that makes it harder to cope with everyday situations. These thinking styles are sometimes called cognitive distortions.
All or nothing thinking - I must be OK all of the time without exception
Polarised thinking - people are either my best friend or my worst enemy
Fatalistic thinking - things will be bad whatever I do
Inaccurate attributions - my problems are always someone else’s fault
Discounting of evidence - if it does not confirm beliefs about yourself
Dougal Julian Hare, 1997
Solution-Focused brief therapy
Solution-focused brief therapy focuses on solutions for the future and aims to be concise, clear and practical.
A self-determined future with Asperger Syndrome: solution-focused approaches, Veronica Bliss 2007
Famous people with Autism Spectrum Condition (ASC)
Andy Warhol
Courtney Love
Albert Einstein
Charles Darwin
Temple Grandin
Isaac Newton
Jerry Seinfeld
Caring for someone with Autism Spectrum Condition (ASC)
Being a carer isn’t an easy role. When you are busy responding to the needs of others, it can affect your emotional and physical energy, making it easy to forget about your own health and mental well being.